What the Cloud Means for Marketing

A lot has been written on social media and social media strategies and optimizing social media tactics for  the tweetisphere while nurturing automation mines the whole blogistan via SEM, I mean SEO. Who’s kidding who?  One aspect of marketing that’s unlikely to change is that word of mouth will remain king.  The question is who’s word and who’s mouth.  More importantly is the meaning of that word which is really the other 3 Ps beyond promotion. So if we simplify, the cloud means marketers can scale.  The old guy in me thinks “so we can scale up bad marketing to[…]

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Marketing from A to Z

This is an attempt to capture some of my thinking about marketing technology products. Since I believe that marketing, at it’s core, is about organizing the dialog to drive business, I’ve structured the topics from A to Z and plan to post commentary on: a. Advertising and AIDA b. Branding and your business model c. Category creation d. Direct marketing e. Events f. Functions & roles g. Growth strategies h. Hiring i. Investor relations j. Jiggles–naming k. ‘Kill something, eat it’ l. Lead generation m. Measurement n. News o. Objections p. Pricing, Positioning, Partnering q. Qualifying Questions? r. ROI s.[…]

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